(proclaim '(inline last1 single append1 conc1 mklist))
Function LAST1 returns the last element in list
Function SINGLE predicate which returns true, if list has exactly one element
Function APPEND1 appends a new element to a list
Function NCONC1 destrucively appends a new element to a list
Function MKLIST if not already a list, mklist will return a new list with its param as element
Function LONGER returns t if length of 1st list is longer than length of the 2nd one
(setf (symbol-function 'filter) #'remove-if-not)
Function GROUP groups every n elements together into new sublists.
Function FIND2 finds the element and place in list where fn will not return nil
Function BEFORE tests if x comes before y in the specified list
Function AFTER tests if x comes after y in the lst
Function DUPLICATE test, if obj is a duplicate in lst
Function SPLIT-IF splits the lst into 2 lists at the position where fn returns not nil
Function MOST finds the 'highest' value in lst according to fn.
Function BEST finds the 'best' object in lst according to fn
Function MAP-> maps all objects between start and test-fn with fn.
Function MAPA-B maps numbers from a to b
Function MAP1-N maps numbers from 1 to n
Function MAP0-N maps numbers from 0 to n
Function MAPPEND maps elements in list and finally appends all resulted lists.
Function RMAPCAR recursively maps all objs in list and its sublists
Function PROMPT prompts for args and reads answear
Function BREAK-LOOP very simple REPL
Function INTERACTIVE-INTERPRETER simple configurable REPL
Function MKSTR writes args into a string and returns that string
Function SYMB creates a new symbol from args
Function ANON-SYMB like symb, but doesn't intern new symbol
Function ONE-OF randomly choose one element from list
Function ARRAY-SHIFT-LEFT - shifts all elements between start and end to the left - leftmost element (at :start) is removed from array - inserts a new value at end
Function ARRAY-SHIFT-RIGHT - shifts all elements between start and end to the right - rightmost element (at :end) is removed from array - inserts a new value at start
Function VECTOR-SEARCH - uses binary search to find the index of key in vector.
Function MAKE-DELAY creates a new delay object
Function DELAY-FUNCTION returns the function used by a delay
Function DELAY-VALUE returns the value hold by a delay
Macro DELAY delays body for lazy evaluation
Function FORCE forecs a delay-object to be executed