Macro ABBREV creates a new macro being an abbreviation for long e.
Macro ABBREVS creates abbreviations for a list of paired functions e.
Macro IN tests if 'obj' is in the list of 'choices' use: (in obj 'a 'b 'c .
Macro INQ like in, but quotes choices
Macro CONDLET condlet allows you to locally bind variables based on conditions.
Macro DEF-CONSTRUCT creates a new datatype using a cons syntax: (def-construct name slot-info slot-info) slot-info ::= slot-name | (slot-name init-form)
Macro FN builds a function taking one argument and applying this arg to included functions.
Function RBUILD recursivle builds the final lambda for 'fn'
Function FIF returns new function evaluating 'if' to the applied arguments.
Function FCHAIN uses fn-comb to a list of values returned by fns, where every fn in fns is called with x e.
Function FINT intersection
Function FUNION union
Function LREC simplifies building a recursive functions over lists and finally returns evaluation of base.
Function COMPOSE composing a number of functions.
Function RCURRY reverse curry
Macro RLAMBDA build a recursive 'anonymous' lambda
(define-modify-macro toggle! () not)
(define-modify-macro concf () nconc)